We gravitate to people like us, who have shared similar experiences, talk like we do, see the world as we do but when they act in a way you don’t understand suddenly they are ‘not what they say on the tin’. This jars with our model of the world and for some strange reason shocks us.
I have come to realise that when visions clash, our subconscious is somehow battling in the background to protect what we feel is true, it frantically scrambles to keep all those apples in the applecart. So when that job advert asks ‘are you a ‘team’ player’, sure you are, it just depends on the dynamics of the team and how easy it is to appease your apple scramblers and the apple scramblers of the group. Unfortunately there are times when people feel on such shaky ground, when a point of view is challenged by new ideas, they fight to retain their ‘normal’ the core of what they believe to be true and the vision of who they are seems threatened. If you feel like this, let a stray apple or two get away. They may roll to an interesting place and you may learn something.
Agreeing to differ can be good to a point but when it becomes the solution to everything the team is no longer dynamic and it is time to move on. Never be fearful of changing your core beliefs. In doing so you are moving towards growth – but always stay true to your heart.