The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step
- Lao TZU
Welcome to Pondering Elephants
You are an individual, there is no one on the planet that is the same as you. That’s why as a therapist I have travelled, researched and work tirelessly, aiming to bring you the most eclectic mix of therapy on offer.
Not only do I work within mainstream therapy as an Integrative Psychotherapist and Counsellor, I also recognise the integrity of global therapies, from Eco-therapy and Indigenous Practice to Hypnotherapy, mindfulness and spiritual exploration.

Expertise with you at heart
As an Integrative Psychotherapist and Counsellor, I am trained to hold you in as safe a space as possible, to allow you the room to talk and be listened to without judgement. This is a regular, reflective practice, that allows you the time to find your own way, with the gentlest of steers, nudges and interventions. We may ponder on behavioural, cognitive and physiological systems as well as touch on social themes and theories. For information, visit my Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling page.
In my role as an Eco-Therapist, I aim to deepen your connection to the earth, bringing you back to your animal being. In the West particularly, many of us experience a severance from nature through society’s expectations of us. I offer you a safe space to recognise your part in nature’s community. Nature can help you find answers, allow you to step out of the ‘rat race’ and to reconnect with this magical, instinctual part of you. I may also give you exercises and time to reflect, to help you gain insight into who you are. For information, visit my Eco-therapy page.
As a Cognitive Hypnotherapist & EMDR therapist, I offer rapid, solution focused, therapy, which uses relaxation methods, linguistic therapy, and exercises to help your subconscious open to new understandings. Like Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy, this is a client centred, and largely an integrative, approach with many crossovers but has more input from me as a therapist, to guide you to work through subconscious blocks. Hypnotherapy works from the understanding that often in reaction to a fight, flight or fear response, the subconscious makes meaning through connecting past events to current emotions. However at times the subconscious can make mistakes in its understanding which may lead to confusion and patterns of belief that can get in the way of our lives. For information, visit my Hypnotherapy page.
Stress, Anxiety and Fear
I specialise in stress, anxiety & fear and whether its counselling, Eco-therapy or Hypnotherapy you are interested in, there is something here for you within all these therapies.
Talking through your relationship issues may lead to clarity. I have theoretic knowledge and techniques we can discuss to help you identify trigger points and to begin to find your own way. (All therapies relevant)
With grief we often experience feelings of multiple loss. People may struggle to talk with us, we may feel lonely or afraid. We may suffer additional financial burdens. Counselling and Hypnotherapy can help with this, how ever if you love the outdoors, Ecotherapy can be exceptionally good for making spiritual connections and finding meaning in the more than human world.
Limiting beliefs
Limiting beliefs can really hold you back. Learn where these beliefs come from. Learn how they might hold you back unnecessarily. Learn how they can grow over time and how to stop this from happening.
We may re-frame past events, focus on your capabilities and the resources you have within you. I find Hypnotherapy is particularly helpful with this, though all therapies are relevant.
Panic attacks
Panic attacks are common and I appreciate how frightening these can be. Collaboratively we can examine your triggers and re-frame the cause.
I can teach you coping mechanisms to help you relax and work with your subconscious to make changes. Hypnotherapy can be particularly helpful with panic attacks as can CBT and EMDR.
Why do we fear things that are unlikely to harm us? Phobias are funny to everybody other than the person who suffers from them. If left untreated, phobias may enhance over time.
I have specific techniques for the treatment of phobias and will give you some relaxation therapy to help eradicate the problem. Hypnotherapy can be particularly useful with this.
Smoking Cessation
As a Cognitive Hypnotherapist, I have an extensive tool kit to help you become a non-smoker. I have many techniques to help you resist the craving and change the pattern of your habit so you can move towards a more healthy life.
Trauma & EMDR
Many difficulties can stem back from trauma. You may feel hyper-sensitive to specific challenges. You might be frightened of speaking out. EMDR and Hypnotherapy might help you if counselling feels too difficult for you. Perhaps you are also suited to Eco-therapy. Eco-therapy can help you escape from intrusive thoughts.
Do you worry about not sleeping? Insomnia is experienced by many people. Cognitive Hypnotherapy offers a drug-free programme to help you feel refreshed. I will look at your sleep routine and assist you with some relaxation therapy and techniques to help you relax. Together we can address anxieties. I can also offer you a listening ear through counselling to clarify what might be keeping you awake and give you space to look at the challenges of getting to sleep.
As a holistic therapist I can work with many challenges and across many genres. If you are seeking help for something not mentioned, please contact me and I will let you know if I can help.
It’s sometimes tricky to know what works for you, until you start. If one type of therapy doesn’t suit you, that’s fine we can work with another.
I have mindlessly and compulsively overeaten all my adult life. Just three sessions with Juliette, over six weeks, helped me understand why I overeat and truly believe that I no longer need to. I’m now able to better cope with the underlying feelings and make emotionally and physically healthier choices.
...I can’t express how much difference this has made to my life in work and in social gatherings I used to avoid...
...I can honestly say my hypnotherapy sessions have helped me enormously and I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Juliette's services.